
Oh well. Maybe next time.

Oh well. Maybe next time.

Oh well. Maybe next time.


As a kindergarten teacher, I disappoint 5 and 6 year olds on a daily basis.


Listen, I don’t mean to. It just happens.

If you are a teacher or a parent, you know exactly what I’m talking about.


This student wanted the red marker instead of green.

That student wanted 5 more minutes of recess.

Another wanted to sit by Suzie instead of Tommy.

One wanted more goldfish.


On and on, it goes.

Some handle their disappointments gracefully.


Others not so much.

Cue the complaining, the waterworks, the meltdown.


In the midst of a child’s big reactions, you might think,

“All this because of (insert tiny problem).”


But in their world of toys, naps, and snacks…

marker colors and who they get to sit by maybe are their big things.


Those should be their big things.


But of course, we still teach them ways to better handle their disappointments.


“Oh well. Maybe next time” and “We don’t always get what we want,

we get what we need” are two of our classroom mantras this year.


But how good am I at applying these to my own life?

Do I handle my disappointments with grace?



But other times… just cue the complaining, tears, and meltdown.


Honestly, what a perspective shift it would be to apply versions

of those kindergarten phrases to my own life.


I didn’t get the job I worked hard for and wanted so badly?

“Oh well. Maybe God knew I wasn’t ready yet.”


Sickness ruined my long awaited plans?

“Oh well. Maybe I’m being protected from something I don’t know about.”


Someone walked away from a friendship or relationship?

“God doesn’t always give me what I want, 

but He provides for my needs in ways greater than I can imagine.”


A door closed I desperately want to reopen?

“That door will reopen, but only if what’s behind it is meant for me.”


So. Much. Easier. Said. Than. Done.

We can say the phrases all we want, 

but to accept them in our hearts is a different story.


I know.


But maybe it gives us a starting place.

Maybe it lessens the complaining. Maybe it slows down the tears.

Maybe it shortens the meltdown.


And if not today…

Oh well. Maybe next time.

Posted by Leanne DeKay in Truth